First and foremost, the uVolunteer staff is amazing. They are, hands down, some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. They were so helpful in answering any questions we had and made us feel right at home in Costa Rica.
Secondly, Dona Isabel is good, I’m positive about that. She cooks the best food I’ve ever tasted, I don’t know how she does it.
Working at community center is such a rewarding experience. Although the construction of building the new school houses is hard work, it’s nice knowing that it is something that the kids and many kids to come will have forever. The kids themselves are the coolest kids I’ve ever met. I don’t know how they can wear such beautiful smiles when they are living in such poverty.You can see the hope in their eyes, and that is what motivated to me to work so hard throughout the week.
The most memorable thing that I will take from this trip is what I saw when we went on the tour throughout Bajo Tejares.
It was nothing like I have ever seen before- and quite frankly-something that will haunt me. No person should ever have to live like that- especially the baby, Justin, whom I met firsthand, it broke my heart seeing how poverty struck some of those people were. It made realize that I take so much for granted in my own life.
Like I said, this has been a life changing experience that I will never forget. I’m so blessed that I’ve gotten the opportunity to come to Costa Rica and help make a difference in their community.