I have been involved in the environmental conservation project for two weeks. Madre Verde is a beautiful natural reserve and the staff is really nice. You should however have an intermediate level in Spanish if you want to take advantage of their knowledge about natural conservation.
The work is physically intense and you have to be willing to help in different tasks like cutting trees, gardening, cleaning up the infrastructure, paths, painting, etc.
You will also be asked to participate to the conservation of a butterfly garden which allows you to discover the amazing story of butterflies’ lives. Working days are less and intense but at the end of the day you know you have been helpful as the reserve is held only by volunteers. At weekends I enjoyed the amazing Costa Rican beaches with others volunteers from the dorm. Life in the dorm is community life and it offers you a wonderful opportunity to make friends from all around the world and daily experiences. I will recommend it to anyone interested in discovering nature and community life.