My uVolunteer Costa Rican experience was hands down one of the most memorable times of my life.
There was no part of this trip that disappointed.
Maxine Ramirez, Read Maxine's Testimonial
Join uVolunteer’s Orphanage and Children’s Home Project to provide hands-on help with deserted and often mistreated youngsters in Costa Rica. We work with a number of small orphanages in San Ramon, where babies and children up to the age of 15 receive educational and emotional support, as well as a safe place to live. With your help, children receive support through this difficult time.
Volunteers look after children and organize their daily routines, providing much needed assistance at the homes where the child-to-staff ratio is high. You will teach English, lead educational activities and share your skills with the children.
This project is only suitable for female volunteers, though males may apply as part of a couple. No formal qualifications are required to volunteer, but we are looking for creative, self-motivated individuals who enjoy working with toddlers and children.
Download the program brochure to learn more about becoming an orphanage and children’s home volunteer in Costa Rica.
As an orphanage and children’s home volunteer, you will work with disadvantaged children at small centers in San Ramon, providing emotional and educational support, teach English, lead creative play and activities, help out with homework and support staff with the general upkeep of the centers.
Orphanage and Children’s Home Project volunteers work four days per week, from Monday to Thursday. You will spend approximately six hours per day working at your placement.
The orphanages that we work with are within a 30 minute bus ride from our volunteer dormitory.
The orphanage is open year around.
There was no part of this trip that disappointed.
Maxine Ramirez, Read Maxine's Testimonial
Arriving at the uVolunteer dorms in San Ramon was very exciting - it was better than I could have imagined. I decided to take the trip, and was lucky enough that my friend Shawna decided to come with me.
Beverly Pollock, Read Beverly's Testimonial
In this sense I think it is a lot better than going with a larger company. I also really loved living in the dorm house. If your main aim is to improve your Spanish, obviously a home stay would be more beneficial.
Lily Fish, Read Lily's Testimonial
However, my nerves came back when my first project day arrived. But! Once again, Nella was there to save the day. She brought us to our project site, the orphanage Hogarcito in Palmares, and introduced us to the Tias and all of the children.
Shawna Aylard, Read Shawna's Testimonial
We arrived at the same time as many other new volunteers. Everyone at the dorm is fantastic and it has been great to get to know them.
Katherine Coats, Read Katherine's Testimonial
After that they finally got us hotel rooms (it was about 1:30am). It was an adventure, and I got to see part of Nicaragua so I think it was worth it. I also got to meet two people that were in the same position and hung out with them most of the time. At 11 the next day, we got to finally take a plane to Costa Rica.
Helene Hornstuen Mathiesen, Read Helene's Testimonial
Not much else. The kids were cute and always excited to see me, but I also felt that the other girls who were my age were just doing the same things I was, and they also knew the kids and had a connection with them - and they could speak Spanish.r.
Chelsea Edwards, Read Chelsea's Testimonial
This was so much fun. That afternoon, despite my jet lack I went zip lining with a few volunteers. It was so easy to make friends with everyone. All the volunteers were very like minded.
Siobhan Richardson, Read Siobhan's Testimonial
I am able to practice my Spanish all the time. It was here in my homestay that I got to start applying all the Spanish I learned in San Jose. I am a pretty picky eater so the homestay was a great choice for me.
Devyn Goodwyn, Read Devyn's Testimonial
But soon I was able to warm up to them and bond with them. Though there were about ten kids, I mainly played with four or five of them ranging from ages four to seven. From Monday to Thursday I would go to the orphanage for four hours and play with coloring books, Play-doh, puzzles, jump rope, and bicycles.
Clara Kahng, Read Clara's Testimonial
If you are interested in joining the program in Costa Rica, you should download and read our destination guide.