Housing was not a five star hotel, but very appropriate for our surroundings and exactly what was needed. Dona Isabel was great, and made tasty food for every meal. It was nice having meals included so we did not need to worry about paying for food and had money left over for chocolate and cosechas! I absolutely loved working with the kids at the Community Center.
They had so much love to give, despite their difficult home lives and living conditions. We got to know them really well, despite the language barrio. Staying in and walking through the streets of San Ramon was truly an eye-opening experience that I will never forget. I now appreciate everything I have. More importantly I appreciate the importance of relationships and positive intervention.
Our weekend travel adventures were much better than expected. We got to see giant iguanas, walk through hanging bridges, swam in hot springs, flew through forest canopy, and much more.
All in all, I am glad I came on this trip and thankful we chose to come through uVolunteer. It was a fantastic experience!